Exchange Traded Funds

ETFs are the fastest growing investment type globally

  • Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) give investors the chance to buy whole indices as easily as buying a share on London Stock Exchange. Eligible for inclusion in Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) but attracting no stamp duty, ETFs have the lowest annual charges of all collective investment schemes.
  • The first ETF was listed on London Stock Exchange's Main Market in April 2000 with  steady growth in the number of funds listed in the following years. After the abolition of stamp duty on ETFs in February 2007, the market transformed into a leading European centre for ETFs, with funds offering exposure to a wide range of asset classes and markets.

London Stock Exchange is the leading European centre for ETFs, with more than 2,300 ETFs listed on its Main Market.

The ETF market operates in an order-driven environment on SETS, London Stock Exchange's premier trading service that offers integrated Market Maker liquidity provision, to ensure guaranteed two-way prices and continuous support with bid-offer prices throughout the trading day.

We connect to more than 140,000 professional terminals and private investor websites globally via our feed, delivering worldwide access for ETFs traded on our markets.

See our guide to ETFs


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